"You can't manage what you can't measure." - Peter Drucker
In 2013, I spent 6 months counting and documenting just about everything I did. Going to give it another go, with the added challenge of improving on key factors. I plan on sharing a few of the tracked numbers here.
In the summer of 2014 I reached an all time high of 240 pounds. I was able to get down into the 180s, but it has slowly started to get back to above 200. My goal weight is 175, and I want to put on some muscle.
Other things I am tracking in 2018...
Volunteer Hours: 10.5
Average Hours Slept in a Night: 6.7
Hours Spent in Organized Training: 68
Classroom hours spent Teaching: 75
Movies seen in a Theater: 1
Books Consumed(mostly audiobooks): 5
Fasting Days: 20
Average Hours Slept in a Night: 6.7
Hours Spent in Organized Training: 68
Classroom hours spent Teaching: 75
Movies seen in a Theater: 1
Books Consumed(mostly audiobooks): 5
Fasting Days: 20